• Breast Cancer Surgeon
    Excellence in Breast Cancer Surgery

  • Choices Explained
    Breast Cancer surgery

  • Caring Team
    Multi Disciplinary Treatment Team

  • Thyroid
    Different Thyroid Surgery available

Dr Mayasa Jasim

Dr Mayasa Jasim FRACS, MRCSI, M.B.Ch.B

Dr Jasim is a qualified General Practitioner and holder of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) Fellowship.

Dr Jasim finished her General Practice Training in 2017, after which she underwent subspecialty training in Breast Diseases at Royal Perth and Fiona Stanley Hospitals through the BreastScreen WA training program.

Dr Jasim is a Consultant Breast Physician at the Breast Centre at Royal Perth Hospital, the Perth Breast Clinic at Mount Hospital, and the Breast Assessment Centre at Fiona Stanley Hospital. In her role, she works at the breast survivorship clinic, the breast family cancer clinic, and the breast symptomatic clinic.

Dr Jasim is a member of the Australian Society of Breast Diseases and the Australian Menopausal Society. It's a greatprivilege to have Dr Jasim consult through our rooms in Mandurah and Murdoch, using her expertise to look after our patients.

Dr. Jasim is a dedicated and compassionate doctor committed toproviding patient-centered care. She believes in building strong, trusting relationships with patients to understand their needs and health goals.

Practice locations

Murdoch Medical Centre
Suite 44, Murdoch Medical Centre,
100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch 6150

St John of God Mandurah Consulting Suites
117 Anstruther Road
Mandurah 6210

Work Phone: 08 6148 0540
Work Fax: 08 9332 9425

  • The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • BreastSurgANZ of Australia and New Zealand
  • Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons
  • International Association of Endocrine Surgeons
  • General Surgeons Australia
  • Curtin University